Prostate Support
Maybe the biggest vitamins and natural supplement company in America is NOW Brand. They are everywhere. So we were quite surprised when the secret laboratory results came back and showed this has less than 6mg of sterols in a dose.
I think they are a victim of the times - meaning, they came out with their Now Prostate Support formula so long ago, very few companies knew what a hoax that saw palmetto was. It was more likely that a company would have been duped into including it into their formula 15-20 years, before saw palmetto was exposed as being highly over-rated. Remember, Dr. Mark Moyad, the top dietary supplement in the country according to many - he said in his book The Supplement Handbook, that saw palmetto is the number one most overrated and worthless ingredients. The good folks over at NOW, who make some outstanding products, might want to freshen up their formula.
Prostate Support Supplement Facts