Our #1 Rated Product!
Review Highlights:
- Highest Lab Test Score
- Exclusive Formulation Yields Top Results
- Key ingredient Imported From France
- Just Won The Prestigious ConsumerLab.com Contest
Manufacturer: Verified Nutrition
Pills Per Bottle: 90 Capsules
Suggested Dose: Three a day with or without a meal
Website: www.ProstaGenix.com
It's the prostate supplement everyone is talking about. Men love this product. We have been swamped with emails and letters raving about how it has worked for men when nothing else has worked for them in the past. It is in a category by itself. The key is not just their main ingredient, but the purity and source of that ingredient.
In addition to being named the top prostate product here in our review, they have also made some recent headlines. 10-time Emmy winning investigative reporter from DateLine NBC fame, Chris Hansen, recently did an investigation into prostate supplements and named ProstaGenix as the top pick of his investigation. Plus, ConsumerLab.com - the most respected supplement testing group in the country for the last 22 years, just rated ProstaGenix #1 one as well. In fact, they broke the 22-year record for highest lab score ever recorded. Many Hollywood stars and superstar athletes have publicly raved about ProstaGenix including Knicks legend Earl "the Pearl" Monroe, Red Sox great Freddy Lynn, Dodger superstar Ron Cey, Super Bowl MVP QB Mark Rypien, coach Dave Wannstedt, and Hollywood stars like the Godfather's James Caan, and award winner Eric Roberts - plus many, many more. Plus, TV's famous Dr. Drew, (a prostate cancer survivor and board member of the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation) called it a "must take" for all men. This product is basically the Michael Jordan, or Tom Brady of prostate pills.
What makes it so popular is what it does for men with an enlarged prostate. Here are a few the benefits most often reported:
- End Nighttime Bathroom Trips Get a full night's sleep
- Wake up with Energy
- Reduce your Constant daytime Bathrooms Trips
- Halt the embarrassing Dribbling or Hesitancy
- Stop the Burning and Urgency
- Empty Your bladder fully when you go
- Protect your prostate health
- Bedroom Boost - Enjoy The Return To Better Erections Our Customers RAVE About!
- Enjoy Sex Again!
The main ingredient is beta-sitosterol. But not just ANY beta-sitosterol. While most companies get their beta-sitosterol from China, which is very weak and not potent. ProstaGenix gets theirs from a company in France, with a history of producing the strongest, purest form of b eta-sitosterol in the world. But it was not imported into the United States until late 2017 when import restrictions we lifted due to an executive order on "red tape" signed by President Trump, known as the Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs Act. It stated - that for every new regulation implemented, TWO must be rescinded … this slashing of the red tape paved the way for beta-sitosterol to come to America from France without delay or hassle. It allowed this product to come into America.
The beta-sitosterol comes from pine trees in a region of France known to have amazing soil - no chemicals - and right next to the famous Bordeaux wine region. But the really incredible news is the company put their beta-sitosterol through their patented four-phase extraction and purification process called Crystal Pure. The four phases 1. from solid to liquid 2. from liquid to liquid 3. Crystallization. 4. Dehydratation, or "spray drying," as it is called. This four-part process allows them to get the purest form of the ingredient. And it shows in the lab tests and the results men are reporting. Even the scientists at the testing laboratories were stunned at how high the lab test scores were. 824 mg per dose was the highest total they have ever seen - no wonder it works so well.
Doctors and other experts have been writing about and singing the phrases of ProstaGenix. For example, Bill Sardi, who is known as the Vitamin Supplement Answer Man, and considered one of the top three experts in the world on dietary supplements, wrote a glowing article on ProstaGenix calling it, "the leader of the pack" when it comes to prostate supplements. Here is the article: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/09/bill-sardi/nobody-told-me-and-they-didnt-tell-you-either/
You can see what real customers have to say about ProstaGenix in this video. It's not fancy, and it's pretty raw, but what it does have is real customers talking about how ProstaGenix has helped them. You can tell these men are not actors, and they seem so happy to tell other men how it has helped them. Listening to these men might tell you more than our analysis and the lab test results.
Many urologists are now giving ProstaGenix to their patients, including one of America's leading urologists, Dr. Dudley Danoff - the founder of Tower Urology Group at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Cedars-Sinai is ranked one of the Top 10 hospitals in America. Dr. Danoff is a graduate of Princeton and Yale University of Medicine. (See more on Dr. Danoff below). His patients have included everyone from Frank Sinatra, Johnny Carson, Ray Charles to Bill Maher, Wolfgang Puck, and many others. Dr. Danoff stated publicly, "ProstaGenix is the most outstanding prostate product I have seen in my entire career - not just the best supplement - the best product. We now give it to our patients here at Tower Urology."
It also gained fame when Larry King came out of retirement to devote an entire show to prostate supplements and ProstaGenix. King explained, "I have interviewed everyone from Nelson Mandela, to seven U.S. Presidents, the Beatles, and just about everyone else you can name. But after finally straightening out my prostate health after 20 years of misery because of a simple natural product, I said every man alive needs to know about this. So I did a show, gave interviews, and wrote stories about it. I wish I had this twenty years ago. All men will experience an aging prostate - every one - so if I can get the word out about how this amazing compound from France is the real deal, then I think I have made my legacy, whatever it might be. I have made it that much better because millions of men can benefit from my experience and relaying the information."
Here is the Supplement Facts of their ingredients. You will see it contains a nice mixture of vitamins and minerals that help maintain and promote prostate health, but it also has a very smart blend of polyphenols. Specifically, grape seed extract, pomegranate extract, and quercetin. (see more on these compounds on the FAQ page). All three of these ingredients have been the subject of impressive published clinical studies.

- Princeton University, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude; Society of Sigma XI
Medical School
- Yale University School of Medicine. Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honor Society

School of Medicine
Professional Societies
- Fellow, American College of Surgeons (FACS) Diplomate – American Board of Urology
- Society of Air Force Clinical Surgeons
- Societe Internationale D’Urologie
- International College of Surgeons
- Society of Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgery

Honors and Awards
- Phi Beta Kappa, Princeton University
- Summa Cum Laude, Princeton University
- Society of Sigma XI, Scientific Honorary Society
- Judas L. Magnes Medalist, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honorary Society
- Anti-Defamation League, Outstanding Achievement and Community Service Award
- Sheba Medical Center, Israel –Albert Schweitzer Award
- Israel Cancer Research Foundation (I.C.R.F.) Excellence in Medicine Award, 1998
- Appointed Urology Surgeon-in-Chief to His Majesty Bhumibol Adulyades, King of Thailand Endowed Chairs
- The Dudley Seth Danoff, M.D., Chair in Urologic Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Bottom Line
When you have America's top vitamin expert, the top urologist, top laboratories calling it remarkable, and many others saying how wonderful this product is - you know it is truly something special. This product is a true superstar, and we would like to congratulate Verified Nutrition and their formulation team for creating ProstaGenix. It is the clear choice as the top prostate product on the market. You can get it directly from the company at www.ProstaGenix.com or on Amazon as well.
You can get it directly from the company at www.ProstaGenix.com.