Super Prostate 3x
The Los Angeles based company behind this is called Tera Herbs, and this product is a winner. It scored a 359 mg in Beta-sitosterol and an overall sterols score of 702 mg. Both of which are upper echelon scores. It also has an excellent mixture of vitamins, minerals and amino acids as you can see on their label below.
Unlike so many of the slick marketing companies who have 20 or 30 different products, the good folks over at Tera Herbs concentrated on making one outstanding product and they succeeded. You will definitely get some very good results with this product because of the high concentration of Beta-sitosterol. Compare the levels of Beta-sitosterol in their lab score to all those products you see down at your local drug store – it’s not even close. Remember, lab reports don’t lie – they tell the real story. The big money guys with their Madison Avenue advertising can promise you the moon and deliver garbage time after time and not help anyone. But thanks to our lab tests on all the products, it takes the guesswork out of which companies are really telling the truth. Excellent product.
Super Prostate 3x Supplement Facts